My guitar man, my guitar man.
They took you away from me and your band.
I hear them shout
“we want more, we want more”,
but the sweet sound
we all once heard all those years ago
has gone, where only angels know.
My guitar man, my guitar man,
please come back to me.
I feel so safe when I hear that sound,
your voice speaking to me through the Fender you stroked,
so gentle, so great, so profound.
Now they all know, my guitar man.
The sound you made, it just resonates.
So unique, just so great, they say. But where are you now they ponder in dismay.
They saw your smile, when you played,
Now they all ask why did you not stay,
we want to keep hearing, to listen, to that sound he made.
My guitar man, my guitar man.
Only I hear you now.
You speak only to me, the Fender so clear.
I long to sleep at night to hear your words.
How lovely that sound, so bright, so clear.
Why aren’t you here by my side?
Don’t you know my heart breaks inside?
Each day, each night, I want to see your face.
That smile, your touch.
I smell that fragrance you always wore. Don’t tease me any more.
Oh so gently I cry. No one knows what’s in my head.
I hear them say, in time, you will heal. They just don’t understand really, how I feel.
They took you away.
Don’t they see, what it means to me,
How can I explain, oh how deep and sad I feel.
They just don’t know my pain. Don’t they know it’s real?
Where are you now, which place shall I look, my thoughts are scattered, please
make me safe, protect me as you always did.
My guitar man, my guitar man.
They came from far and wide to hear.
They stood and watched, clapped and cheered.
Why can’t they hear now, my guitar man.
His Fender sleeps,
the sound no more,
only I hear him sing to me, the Angels know.
My guitar man, my guitar man.
I found you now,
A place only we two will be,
They cannot hear that sweet sound any more,
It’s just for me now.
A special place, only we two know.
I miss your smile,
I miss that sound,
But now I know
Where it can be found.
My guitar man, my guitar man.
I know you’re there, I feel so safe and not scared, any more.
I hear you now , you never left.
That lovely smile and sound still here.
The Fender speaks to me ,
So loud and clear.
We’re together each night I dream.
I hear your sound,
I see your smile ,
I feel your touch.
They don’t know what it means to me,
Only you and I know what we had and how much it meant.
So, I’m so pleased, I’m so glad.
Until we meet again one day,
I will to listen to you play.
My guitar man, my guitar man, come back to me tonight
So, when I sleep I feel so great, thinking and dreaming of myyou my darling, my soul mate.
Good night , good night my sweet love,
Until tomorrow,
I will wait, to hear you strum again,
to ease my mind and my pain.
My guitar man, my guitar man.
Written for my dearest Aunty Cecilia on 30 August 2022 by Brian Mascarenhas, her Nephew after staying with her on her 50th Wedding Anniversary.
For my special Uncle Benny who will never be forgotten and is so loved by many.