Henry's tribute at memorial. Good afternoon Everyone. What can I say that has not been said about Benny. Just want to say, he was a brilliant musician. Music flowed in his blood. Benny once told me that his grandfather was a band master in Zanzibar. So music was definately in the genes of the Mascarenhas family. Philip played the trumpet and Jojo guitar and drums. Originally the name of the band was SHIFTAS Mr Tom Mboya, Kenya Minister for Justice in newly independant Kenya, was at a dance where the band "The Shiftas" was playing. Mr Mboya approached the band and told them "I don't like that name" So quick thinking Benny added the R to the end of the name, so that is how the "SHIFTARS" came to be. One saturday night, my friend, the late Diogo Victor and I went to Nyali Beach Hotel to her The Shiftars. Diogo saw Cecilia there, sitting by herself and just listening to the music. So he went and asked her to dance and she accepted the invitation. Benny, as usual, always on the look out for Cecilia, saw the two dancing. As soon as The Shiftars finished their set of songs, Benny put down his guitar and went straight to Diogo and cautioned him "Leave my girl alone".. So Cecilia, Benny is still looking out for you from Heaven. God bless you and take care