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5 months ago

From: Julian Desmier Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2024 Subject: My tribute to Benny Gone from our sight, but not from our hearts. I will always remember Benny, a gentle, softly spoken man who was also an extremely talented musician. One side of Benny that I will never forget was his insistence that a second-rate performance by his fellow musicians was never acceptable, as he always expected and achieved the very best from them. We would have to rehearse a song over and over again until he thought it was good enough to perform in public. Benny had this unique ability, with his gentle smile and persuasive way, not to offend you, but rather to encourage you to replicate the original arrangement perfectly through his teaching. He was a magnificent lead guitarist, playing complex arrangements, such as Santana, and would memorise every single note, both for himself as well as the parts for every musician and vocalist. That was a God-given musical talent which not many musicians possess today. Benny, my friend, from the short time we spent together performing, I will always remember you as one of the most talented lead guitarists of our generation. I owe you so much for all your help and musical guidance. You brought out the best in me as a musician and made me realise how important it was for the public to listen to musicians at their best. There is not enough paper in the world to even begin to write a fitting tribute to you, my friend. I just want you to know that I am both a better person and musician for having known you and how much I enjoyed playing with you and your fellow talented musicians. It is often said that behind every successful man, and in this instance a talented, gentle, loving man too, there is a devoted, loving wife; how true that is. Julian Desmier

one year ago

My friend Benny - The Man and his music I came to know Benny when in London England. We met at a friends place that I came to know two brothers Denzil and Derek both musicians in Wimbledon. I met Benny at their place and he had a great personality, his smile and he called me Maxie. I found him to be a great musician, precise, very talented, calm and enjoyed playing his guitar. The times we got together were most memorable as we would joke, laugh and rehearse songs that he loved – “The Shadows” being Hank Marvin was his idol and other 70’s music. I remember when we went to see Cliff Richard and the Shadows appear in North London with Olivia Newton John. His face lit up right through the whole show. He took every song in and had that smile!. He was passionate about his music and I am very happy to hear later that he actually met his idol Hank Marvin. My friend Benny was to me a dear friend. I loved the short time we had in London England and memories of being together with his brother Jojo. We all lived in little bed sitters and it was lonely but music and being together for that short time still brings back happy memories. Celia, I know during our short Facebook messages, he went through a rough time. You were at his side all the time. Your love for him will be forever. You took care of him during this time and I am sure he is looking down right now and saying thank you!. God bless you and love will keep you together through time. Though he is not here now, he is in your heart and ours too.” The man and his music!!.. RIP MR BENNY!” We love you and will keep your memories alive. Your friend and bass player partner MAX DE SOUZA